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Best Car Seats of 2019 | Ratings, Reviews, Comparisons | Nuna, UPPAbaby, Cybex, Clek

Best Car Seats of 2019 | Ratings, Reviews, Comparisons | Nuna, UPPAbaby, Cybex, Clek

Day care, doctor’s appointments, family get-togethers, play dates, trips to the grocery store…you and your baby are constantly on the move, and you need a great car seat that can keep up! But how can you tell the difference between a good car seat and a great one? Well, that’s where Magic Beans comes in. We created our handy Car Seat Buying Guide to help you find the best car seat for your family, and we’re so excited to add our Best of 2019 list to the mix! Read on to find out which car seats made the cut, or check out our Best Car Seats of 2019 YouTube review for even more details. 


Our Best Car Seats of 2019 list includes both infant car seats and convertible car seats. For any car seat newbies out there, the key difference between an infant car seat and a convertible car seat is the weight limit of each seat. While infant car seats are safe to use as long as the combined weight of the seat and your baby is less than thirty pounds, convertible car seats are road-ready up to a combined weight of sixty-five pounds.

You may be wondering, “Why should I buy an infant car seat instead of a convertible car seat, especially when my kid will outgrow the infant car seat more quickly?” That question is easy to answer! Due to its smaller, more focused consumer market, the infant car seat can (and does!) feature product elements that cater directly to the needs of newborn babies and their parents. From lightweight seat designs to specialized safety measures, the infant car seat is literally perfect for youngsters.

A good example of this is the mobile design of the infant car seat. Convertible car seats aren’t always designed with mobility in mind. Infant car seats, however, come in two parts: a mobile car seat and an in-vehicle car seat base. This two-piece design allows you to move the car seat in and out of your vehicle with minimal jostling, a godsend for parents who don’t want to disturb their snoozing youngster!


In spite of these differences, however, both infant car seats and convertible car seats are great options. Both types of car seats allow for rear-facing seat orientation (the recommended and much safer seating arrangement for younger tots) and both provide top-notch security for your on-the-go baby.  If you want to take a closer look at the differences between infant car seats and convertible car seats, be sure to check out our YouTube channel for our Best Infant Car Seats of 2019 and Best Convertible Car Seats of 2019 reviews!

Of course, whether you’re interested in buying an infant car seat or a convertible car seat, you can find the best of both options at Magic Beans. Here are our favorite infant and convertible car seats of 2019!


For anyone interested in letting sleeping babies lie, infant car seats such as the Nuna Pipa, Nuna Pipa Lite, Agio Primo Viaggio Nido, Clek Liing, UPPAbaby Mesa, or Cybex Cloud Q are all great options. Each of these car seats installs via LATCH connectors and/or seat belt anchoring, keeping the car seat stable and allowing for less than an inch of movement at the car seat base. Unique features such as the nap-worthy Dream Drape of the Nuna Pipa, the weightless design (just 5.2 lbs!) of the Nuna Pipa Light, the anti-rebound bar of the Agio Primo Viaggio Nido, the adjustable seat angle of the Clek Liing, the no-rethread harness of the UPPAbaby Mesa, and the reclining capabilities of the Cybex Cloud Q all help these car seats stand out in a crowd.


If you’re interested in buying a car seat that’ll become a permanent fixture in your car for years to come, look no further than the Nuna Rava, Agio Primo Viaggio Kinetic, Britax Boulevard ARB, Clek Foonf, and UPPAbaby Knox. Similar to the infant car seats, these convertible car seats feature LATCH connectors and/or seat belt anchoring, making them some of the safest and most secure car seats around. Each of these convertible car seats has both rear-facing orientation and front-facing orientation capabilities, so you don’t have to worry about getting a new car seat when your baby’s growth spurts start. Plus, with features like flame retardant-free fabric, anti-rebound bars, convenient rear tethers, react system safety elements, and side-impact protection details, these car seats are sure to please and put parents’ minds at ease. 

Tried, tested, and truly exceptional! All of the car seats on our Best of 2019 list are sure to provide the service and security you’re looking for in a new car seat. If you’ve still got questions, though, be sure to drop us a line! We’re always happy to talk shop. You can contact our Baby Gear Gurus via phone (866-600-BEAN) during business hours (M-F, 9 am-5 pm EST) or by utilizing the Product Expert Chat on our website. You can also get all the advice you need by visiting our blog and YouTube channel!

Happy driving!

The post Best Car Seats of 2019 | Ratings, Reviews, Comparisons | Nuna, UPPAbaby, Cybex, Clek appeared first on Spilling the Beans - Magic Beans.

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