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Best Travel Strollers of 2020 | Stroller Comparison

Best Travel Strollers of 2020 | Stroller Comparison


   Most families have more than one stroller even if they only have one child. However, many families who come to us for consultations are hesitant to invest in a second stroller after purchasing their full-size stroller. After all, why buy another stroller when you already have one at home? Well although your full-size stroller may be wonderful for walks around town or days out with the family, they are often not very lightweight or travel friendly. 

   That’s why most families end up with two strollers; one full-size stroller that provides a smoother ride with lots of storage space and one travel stroller that is small and lightweight for quick errands, air travel, and vacations. They’re also ideal for grandparents who can’t lug around the hefty full-size strollers and don’t need all the extra bells and whistles. Today we’re focusing on these ultra lightweight strollers and giving an in-depth comparison on the top travel strollers of 2020.

Woman looking at child in Silver Cross Jet 2020 strollerMan and woman walking together rolling folded Silver Cross Jet 2020 Stroller along with them

Best Travel Stroller For Newborns : Silver Cross Jet 2020

   The Silver Cross Jet 2020 is a new and improved travel stroller from one of the oldest stroller companies in the world. Silver Cross has been making strollers since 1877 and definitely knows what parents are looking for in their strollers. Made with super high quality materials and textiles, the Silver Cross Jet 2020 has an impressive luxury feel and classy aesthetic. This is definitely not a dinky plastic umbrella stroller that you’ll be embarrassed to be seen pushing! It features a leatherette belly bar and handlebar, silver metallic branding, and clean tailored fabric that give the stroller a chic look.

   Aside from looking amazing the Silver Cross Jet 2020 is also highly functional. Weighing only 13.6 pounds, it’s an ultra-lightweight stroller that has dynamic spring suspension and ample storage space. Although its frame is more flexible than the other strollers we have on this list, it is still quite durable and allows for a comfortable one-handed push. When folded the belly bar can be used as a handle to roll the stroller along instead of carrying it. The belly bar can also be quickly and easily removed to make it small enough to fit in the overhead compartment of an airplane.

   The Silver Cross Jet 2020 is our top pick for use with newborns because not only is it compatible with Nuna, Clek, Cybex, and Maxi Cosi infant car seats using the Silver Cross Jet Stroller Infant Car Seat Adapters, it is also infant-ready without any additional accessories. Simply recline the backrest fully and your little one can lay right in the seat. This makes it the most practical travel stroller to use with brand new babies.

Man and child interacting with Minu strollerWoman carrying folded Minu stroller out the door of her home
Best Travel Stroller For Everyday Use : UPPAbaby Minu

      Many parents don’t use their travel stroller exclusively for travel. Instead, they use it for short trips to the pediatrician or errands where they are looking for a quick and easy option instead of their more robust stroller. If this is why you’re looking for a travel stroller, the UPPAbaby Minu is for you. 

    Folding down with only one hand in one easy motion, the UPPAbaby Minu is very convenient for parents on the go and grandparents. While the UPPAbaby Minu doesn’t fit in all airline overhead compartments it will fit in some of them, so if you're not a frequent flier you still have the option to use it for air travel. Even though it’s slightly larger than the other strollers on our list today, it’s still a major space saver in your trunk! It has an easily accessible storage basket for essentials and comes with a carry strap for easy transport up and down stairs. Its large UPF 50+ canopy has a mesh window for ventilation and an extendable panel for extra sun coverage.

   The UPPAbaby Minu is intended for use once your baby is sitting up on their own since the seat only reclines partially (although it reclines plenty for napping) and does not provide a flat surface for newborns. However, you can purchase the UPPAbaby Minu From Birth Kit to transform the stroller into an infant-friendly bassinet configuration. For shorter trips with newborn, the UPPAbaby Minu Car Seat Adapters for Nuna, Cybex, Clek, and Maxi Cosi or UPPAbaby Minu Car Seat Adapters for UPPAbaby Mesa will allow you to attach your infant car seat.

Woman pushing Babyzen Yoyo2 with rolling bag accessory attachedBabyzen Yoyo2 stroller folded showing carry strap

Best Travel Stroller For Storage : BabyZen Yoyo2

   The BabyZen Yoyo2 is a redesign of a cult classic. Parents love that it’s a lightweight travel stroller that is actually sturdy and durable. Its aluminum frame and fiberglass reinforced plastic components make it fully capable of handling wear and tear associated with travel (especially airline travel). Improved individual all-wheel suspension will make for a smoother ride and reduce stress to the frame whether you’re on cracked sidewalk in town or cobblestones in Paris. 

   Folding down with two easy steps and unfolding with one, the BabyZen Yoyo2  is quick to open and close when you’re in a rush. It comes with a shoulder strap for easy transport when it’s folded and also comes with a protective slipcover to prevent it from getting dirty or scratched during travel.

   The BabyZen Yoyo2 reclining seat is appropriate for children 6 months or older but you can purchase the BabyZen Yoyo2  Stroller 0+ and 6+ Complete which has the 0+ pack and is approved for infant use. It’s important to note that the stroller seat has a weight limit of 40 pounds, which is a little less than the other strollers on this list which can hold up to 50 pounds. You can also use the BabyZen Yoyo2 Stroller Car Seat Adapters to attach a Nuna, Cybex, or Maxi Cosi infant car seat. 

   If there’s one feature parents need that travel strollers tend to lack, it’s storage capacity. Most travel strollers have very small or inaccessible storage baskets and you can’t hang anything from the handle without risking it becoming a tipping hazard. That’s where the BabyZen Yoyo2 is different. It has a generous front-accessible basket as well as the BabyZen Yoyo2 Stroller Rolling Bag accessory that allows you to safely take more necessities with you - or pick some up along the way!

Woman pushing child in Bugaboo Ant stroller with a second child sitting on the ride along board attachmentBugaboo Ant with the seat in the rear facing position and a folded Bugaboo Ant next to it

Best Travel Stroller for Vacations : Bugaboo Ant

   The Bugaboo Ant is a marvel of stroller engineering at work. While most travel strollers sacrifice most functions of a full-size stroller for the sake of making the stroller lightweight, the Bugaboo Ant is both functional and light. Even though it only weighs 15.8 pounds and has one of the smallest folds, it is very sturdy and can hold a child up to 50 pounds with an additional 17.6 pounds in its basket. 

   Most travel strollers are only able to have your child face forward in the seat, preventing you from having bonding time with them. The Bugaboo Ant actually allows you to flip the seat around to face you and even gives you a deeper recline position in parent-facing mode. The height-adjustable canopy and no-rethread harness ensure that your baby is always fitted in the stroller properly, and the extendable sun canopy with an air mesh vent keeps them cool and comfortable. All-wheel suspension and soft wheels reduce impacts from bumpy terrain and the short wheel frame allows for an easy single-handed push. The handlebar is also telescopic and adjustable so parents who are taller no longer have to stoop uncomfortably to push the stroller.

   The Bugaboo Ant can be used from birth with the purchase of the Bugaboo Baby Cocoon. It can also be used with select car seats using the Bugaboo Ant Infant Car Seat Adapters

   All of these features make the Bugaboo Ant an exceptional travel stroller but what makes it ideal for vacation is its fold. It folds small enough to fit into most overhead bins and doesn’t have any straps or mechanisms that stick out that could break during airline travel. It also has structured side panels to protect the stroller from shifting luggage in the overhead bin. Amazingly, even though the fold is very clean and compact you will still have access to the items in your basket when the stroller is folded! That means sunscreen, sunglasses, snacks, and toys will be within arm’s reach whenever you need them and you also don’t have to remove everything from the basket before folding the stroller down. 

   When your little one wants to exercise their independence and walk, you don’t have to carry it or push an empty stroller, simply fold down the stroller but leave the handlebar extended and wheel it along with you like a small luggage bag. (If you prefer to carry the stroller, Bugaboo does offer the Bugaboo Ant Carry Strap as an accessory.)

   If you still aren’t sure which travel stroller is right for you, we want you to chat with our experts for free by phone at 866-600-BEAN (2326) or email us your questions at We also offer free shipping for strollers and any items over $49.
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