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Bugaboo Lynx + Bugaboo Turtle by Nuna | 2020 | Full Stroller + Car Seat Review (Ratings | Review)

Bugaboo Lynx + Bugaboo Turtle by Nuna | 2020 | Full Stroller + Car Seat Review (Ratings | Review)

Bugaboo has been at the TOP of the top stroller brands in the US since its small screen debut on Sex and the City in 2004 (only the best for Miranda and little Brady). That’s 16 years of excellent, Dutch designed suspension, axels, and wheels rolling around in our country. And to say that little has changed is both true and erroneous.

Those in the Bugaboo family will be quick to tell you, they’ve never had to replace anything. Or if they did, it was 8 years and 3 kids later - and even if Bugaboo discontinued the stroller model they have, or have since upgraded/even changed the name, they ALWAYS keep parts available. I have personally seen, no joke, 10+ year old Bugaboo strollers come into our stores, still going strong with most of their original parts. We cannot say enough good things about their quality.

As mentioned above, this is a Dutch brand. You can tell by their prominent bassinets and refusal to make a tandem double. But they’ve recently done something just for the US market - they made a travel system. Partnering with Nuna (another brand in the Netherlands), they created the Bugaboo Turtle - a beautiful car seat that has all the features of the Nuna Pipa (the canopy! the load leg!) but all the benefits of a Bugaboo product (that beautiful clean fabric! white buttons = a function!). The best part - this car seat snaps onto their Bugaboo Lynx with no added car seat adapters. A real, true travel system.

The Bugaboo Lynx is a beautiful, lightweight Bugaboo stroller unlike (yet still similar) to their other strollers. Looks wise, it’s somewhere between a Bugaboo Fox2 and a Cameleon (their classic stroller, Miranda’s choice, recently discontinued in the US but still holding strong around the world). Big robust wheels in the back, slightly smaller wheels in the front. Excellent suspension. It is a two handed seat recline, but you get used to it quickly. You can’t add a second seat, but you can add a wheeled board on the back that has a small bike-like seat. It does not have a sleep safe bassinet option because the average American isn’t using a bassinet on their stroller (unlike their Bugaboo Fox2 and Bugaboo Donkey3, which come in the box). Any white button has a function, so it remains user friendly.

The Bugaboo Lynx + Bugaboo Turtle is a stunning combination - something Bugaboo has never done before. The US market is one of the only ones in the world that prioritizes a travel system over a bassinet. This can be seen as either a bad or neutral thing - as long as you are following what your pediatrician recommends in terms of not keeping your baby in their car seat for “too long,” you shouldn’t need to be too worried about this little fact. The Bugaboo Lynx is for those who want a good, high quality stroller that will last them for years (and maybe several children), but know they won’t be using a bassinet (although you can add one if you want, but again, it is not sleep safe so do not use it overnight). The Bugaboo Lynx can easily be pulled out of your trunk, pop it open, and then drop your Bugaboo Turtle onto the stroller. Now you’re ready to go. No muss, no fuss.

What strollers does the Bugaboo Turtle work with? At the moment, it only fits on the Bugaboo Fox2 and Bugaboo Lynx.

What car seats are compatible with the Bugaboo Lynx? The Nuna Pipa, Pipa RX, Pipa Lite, Pipa Lite R, Pipa Lite LX, Clek Liing, Cybex Aton M, Cybex Cloud Q all with this Maxi Cosi adapter!

What if I WANT a sleep safe bassinet? Look into the Bugaboo Fox2!

But am I a monster for NOT wanting a bassinet? Of course not! Talk to your pediatrician and see what they recommend is a safe amount of time for a baby to be in a car seat. Someone in the city and someone in the suburbs will spend a wildly different amount of time in a car. An infant car seat has a slight curve in it and having your baby lie flat, if it is possible, is the best for them, but you need to go with what functions best for you and your family. And if that means it’s a car seat on a stroller, then it’s a car seat on a stroller. Be sure to take lots of stretching breaks and talk to your pediatrician!

Still not sure if this is the right combination for you? Reach out to us anytime via email at We’re always happy to talk shop! You can also contact our Baby Gear Gurus via phone (866-600-BEAN) during business hours (M-F, 9 am-5 pm EST), by utilizing the Product Expert Chat on our website, or by scheduling a video consultation. Finally, get all the advice you need by visiting our YouTube channel!

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