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2021 Nuna Triv vs Uppababy Cruz V2 ( Ratings | Reviews Prices )

2021 Nuna Triv vs Uppababy Cruz V2 ( Ratings | Reviews Prices )

Two of the biggest strollers of 2020 are the Uppababy Cruz V2 and Nuna Triv. The Nuna Triv is an entirely new concept from Nuna, makers of the longtime favorite Nuna Pipa car seat series, and the Uppababy Cruz received an unprecedented redesign that changes its place in the stroller world entirely. The Uppababy Cruz V2 took a turn into a full-size, full featured multi-terrain stroller, whereas the Triv is attempting to corner the market on what the Cruz used to be.

The previous iteration of the Uppababy Cruz was a midweight stroller, at around 20lbs, with 8 & 10” wheels and minimal suspension. It was designed as an alternative to the Uppababy Vista: much lighter, lacking a bassinet, and a bit cheaper in price. 

The gap in price narrowed with this redesign, as did the gap in features. The new Uppababy Cruz V2 is much closer to the Vista, offering larger back wheels and suspension, a much bigger basket and a heavier frame overall. The Uppababy Vista has been consistently lauded for its industry leading basket size, and now the Uppababy Cruz V2 shares that unique feature, along with its durability. 

These features make it amazing for anyone who wants to walk on multiple different terrains, but also makes the differences between the Uppababy Vista V2 and Cruz V2 a lot harder to decipher. Essentially the Uppababy Cruz V2 now uses the same frame as the Vista, but doesn’t include the bassinet and doesn’t allow you to add a second seat to the stroller. So essentially it remains a cheaper Vista, with all of the things people love about it but none of the capability for multiple children and a bassinet you need to acquire separately.

Fortunately there’s a lot to like about Uppababy strollers. Year after year they solidify themselves as one of the easiest to learn strollers, and now that the Cruz V2 mimics the Vista a little bit more it's become even easier to master. Its added girth helps with the steadiness of the standing fold, and gives it an extra oomph going over bumps. While a two-handed fold, once you’ve practiced it becomes one of the smoothes and gentlest to close. 

The Nuna Triv manages to pick up exactly where the previous Cruz left off. It has smaller wheels, tons of suspension, and a much lighter frame. At around 20lbs to the Cruz’s 25lbs, it becomes one of the smoothest rides and most reliable options in its weight class. It offers a unique travel system option by including Nuna’s beloved ring adapter, but redesigned it so that it folds with the stroller. When used with the car seat it only weighs 14 pounds! The adapter is one of the easiest ways to attach a car seat, smooth and effortless. The Nuna Triv is only compatible with the Nuna Pipa series

While Uppababy offers the Mesa car seat, which requires no adapters at all to attach to the Cruz V2 and Vista V2, the Nuna Pipa series has always been most popular with us for its dedication to going above and beyond the safety features the US requires. So many who purchase Uppababy strollers with us will end up with a version of Nuna’s beloved ring adapter to make attaching their Pipa series car seat easier. 

On top of that, the Nuna Triv offers Nuna’s new magnetic harness. This makes it much easier to get kiddo in and out, especially if you have dexterity issues, making it an amazing addition for grandparents. It folds with just one hand, and stands when folded, making it a great option for city folk who need something light and small but still want the amenities of a fully featured stroller. It also has great basket space for its size, and Nuna’s signature all-weather seat to help keep kiddo comfortable all year round.

Both of these strollers come with essentially the same package, a stroller frame, seat and rain cover. Both are capable of using their matching car seat directly out of the box, and both lack a bassinet or any flat space to put baby down that isn’t a car seat. So while both options are comparable, folks usually tend to gravitate to the Triv for its size and weight and will likely do the same for Cruz V2

The Uppababy Cruz V2 should be for those who want a more sturdy option for grass, cobblestone and any rougher terrain. Those who need a more lightweight package and have less need for off-road capability will likely focus on the Nuna Triv. It can be a great option for those who need a lightweight stroller or a uniquely small fold. But where it shines is for those who need a middle ground between durable and lightweight. Its suspension gives it a little more oomph to handle the surfaces its wheels would belie. 

Still not sure which stroller is the right one for your family? Reach out to us anytime via email at We’re always happy to talk shop! You can also contact our Baby Gear Gurus via phone (866-600-BEAN) during business hours (M-F, 9 am-5 pm EST), by utilizing the Product Expert Chat on our website, or by scheduling a video consultation. Finally, get all the advice you need by visiting our YouTube channel!

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