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Balancing work and family: how do you make it work?

Balancing work and family: how do you make it work?

make it workAccording to the US Department of Labor, 61.1 percent of moms with kids under age 3 are working, going up to 63.9 percent if your kids are under age 6, and 74.7 percent if your kids are under age 17. That’s a lot of juggling!

This hilarious video from the Make It Work campaign, starring Adrienne C. Moore from Orange is the New Black, includes many moments that may look familiar to mamas all across the income spectrum, and in every work/life combination, including full-time, part-time, work-from-home. Enjoy! (Oh, and just FYI: the video includes a little bit of slightly risque language, plus a daring gambit with some Girl Scout Cookies.)


Babble writer Alice Gomstyn invited her friends to share their awkward moments in balancing work and family here. (The “princess fort” solution is genius – you might want to keep a Crazy Forts set on hand in case you need to try this one!)

Do these look familiar to you? Got some similar laugh-out-loud stories of your own? Share them in the comments!

The post Balancing work and family: how do you make it work? appeared first on Spilling the Beans - Magic Beans.

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