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Find the best in Baby Gear at Magic Beans
Find the best in Baby Gear at Magic Beans

Bellies, Babies & Brunch: Learn all about baby gear the fun way!

Having a baby, soon? Want to learn all about baby gear, prepping for the hospital, and more? At our Bellies, Babies & Brunch event, you can get a crash-course in important info for the expectant, while enjoying an absolutely sumptuous brunch and getting to know other parents-to-be. And you leave with a gift bag, too!

Here’s how B,B&B works:

Your brunch is served up in the beautiful dining room at the Mandarin Oriental – it’s an atmosphere for celebration, with fine linens and scrumptious food. You’ll enjoy orange juice served up in champagne flutes (mimosas will be available for your partner), boursin cheese omelettes, croissants, bacon, and more. Once you’ve enjoyed a plateful of goodies, we serve up three dynamic presentations, which are both informative and entertaining:

  • Eli Gurock, Magic Beans co-owner, does a live demo explaining how to select the right strollers and car seats for your family, using real products;
  • Raeanne Brazee, who is a mom of three, a perinatal nurse, and the founder of Boston Baby Beginnings, gives you the inside scoop on how to prepare for the hospital, and is available to answer all of your questions about your baby’s birth;
  • Our friends at Viacord, a premium cord blood banking service, does a multimedia presentation on what they do and why. It’s amazing what stem cells collected from cord blood can do, and what diseases they can be used to treat! And there are so many misconceptions about cord blood banking, but the costs are reasonable and we think it’s absolutely worthwhile.

There’s always a wonderful, friendly atmosphere and great energy in the room: couples get to mingle with each other (you can never be too prepared for future playdates!), and everyone leaves feeling well-fed, well-pampered, and well-educated. We get to cover three topics that we know parents-to-be can feel stressed out about, and attendees feel like they’re on firmer ground with regards to topics that can feel a bit elusive.

Oh, and after brunch, you can take a field trip with Eli to our Magic Beans location right next door, and apply some of your new knowledge right away!

There are still tickets available for this week’s event – go to our Eventbrite page and sign up today! It’s a great way to learn some key info you’ll need to know for your upcoming arrival… and everything is better with bacon.

The post Bellies, Babies & Brunch: Learn all about baby gear the fun way! appeared first on Spilling the Beans - Magic Beans.

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