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Find the best in Baby Gear at Magic Beans
Dora is coming to town

Dora is coming to town

Dora the Explorer Live Search for the City of Lost Toys

Do your kids adore Dora the Explorer? Bring them over to our Brookline store this Friday, April 24 from 3-5pm for an unforgettable Dora encounter. Dora herself will be coming to sign autographs, pose for pictures and read stories. Kids will get a special souvenir and some activity sheets to take home.

This event is co-hosted by Boston Mamas and Broadway Across America to get the kids excited for the upcoming Dora the Explorer Live! Search for the City of Lost Toys show, coming to the Boston Opera House May 7-10. Parents who come on Friday can enter t0 win a 4-pack of tickets to the show!

You don’t need to RSVP, and the event is free, but you can let your friends know you’ll be there by visiting our event listing on Facebook.

I am really excited to be partnering with Christine Koh, founder of Boston Mamas, for this event. Both of us will be there on Friday, so if you come, say hi!

The post Dora is coming to town appeared first on Spilling the Beans - Magic Beans.

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