Eli reviews the new Orbit O2 jogging stroller!
Orbit Baby strollers are a major favorite among our gang of Stroller Geeks, due to their versatility and clever, practical design. So we’ve been bursting with excitement for the last year waiting to get our paws on the Orbit O2 Jogging Stroller, which takes all of that terrific attention to detail and applies it to the world of running.
The Orbit brand is focused on flexibility, with car seats and stroller seats that snap nimbly in and out of their patented SmartHub, which also lets all seats rotate 360 degrees. With the O2, the designers at Orbit wanted to create a jogger that works just as well in “city mode,” maneuvering easily and keeping your baby right at arm’s reach when you’re moving at a more sedate pace.
In this video, Eli shows you how the O2 works in detail. If you want to give it a try yourself, the O2 will be in our stores at the end of this month – drop by and give it a test-drive!
Place your order for the Orbit Baby O2 Jogging Stroller
Place your pre-order for the Orbit Baby O2 Travel System
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