Finding Sitters Fast — Magic Beans
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Finding Sitters Fast

This is a hoot. I’m a member of, a site that helps parents find babysitters. I’ve had very good luck, actually, but now SitterCity has come up with a new way for parents to scope out the sitter situation. On Wednesday October 3rd, SitterCity is offering a free SpeedSitting event in Boston at Faneiul Hall. What is SpeedSitting, you ask? Well, it’s basically modeled after speed-dating. You sit at a table and a different sitter comes and sits with you for 3-5 minutes. You try to then make a snap judgment about this person’s competence to care for your children and hopefully add a few phone numbers to your list of sitters. According to the invitation, there will be at least 50 sitters to meet, and they are wisely offering childcare for the duration of the event, as well as a “Pamper Yourself” gift, free appetizers and beverages. If you aren’t already a SitterCity member, you’ll get 10% off your membership if you attend. I’m going to try to go – I’m so curious to see how it works.

To RSVP, e-mail Suzanne Marlatt at SitterCity ASAP. Her e-mail address is (don’t forget to delete the NOSPAM part)

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