Five reasons why you should come to Drool (and, what is this Drool Baby Expo, anyway?)
Get your tickets for the Drool Baby Expo CT
October 29, 2014 from 4pm – 9pm
Marriott Hotel and Spa, Stamford, CT
Expectant parents get bombarded with a ton of advice, information, and people trying to sell you stuff (ok, yes, that includes us), and it can all get a bit overwhelming. We’ve always made it our mission to try and simplify and streamline the process for our customers, to make the process of planning and shopping for your new arrival less stressful and more fun.
Baby expos are a great way to get a global view of the wild world of baby products, so when we discovered that there wasn’t a single good baby expo in Boston back in 2011, we created our own! Our Drool Baby Expos serve both the tangible and non-tangible needs of new and expectant parents: you need strollers, car seats, baby apparel, baby toys, and more – and you also need good advice and a bit of pampering to help you feel a bit more confident and well-prepared for the tasks ahead. You could also really use some cool free stuff, and we’ve got that too!
Here are a few reasons to come to Drool Baby Expo CT:
1) It’s all under one roof. When you’re having a baby, you have a pretty short time frame to absorb a ton of consumer info about a dizzying range of product categories, and it’s hard to know where to start – ask your friends? Ask your family? Read books? Read magazines? Read online reviews? Read blogs? Read all of the above and more?
That’s a whole lot of effort – going to Drool isn’t. And not only will we have vendors featuring the best products you need on hand, but Drool also features a plethora of local services that you’ll need, non-profits sharing important info for new parents, and local mom-owned small businesses.
2) Just the best brands – all of them! As with the products at our stores, the vendors at Drool are handpicked: these are brands we trust, who sell products that we use with our own kids, and their products combine top value and function with cool modern style. You can talk to reps from every brand you’re curious about, and then go to the next table and comparison-shop.
Trying to decide between two strollers? Push ‘em around, ask the company reps to tell you why you should choose their stroller, and ask Magic Beans product experts what they think (we’ll be everywhere, in green teeshirts). If you’re still not sure, ask the other attendees who you see already using the strollers you’re mulling over – ask another mom what she thinks of her UPPAbaby Vista or Bugaboo Cameleon, ask her where she got her cute dress, and make a friend!
3) Amazing deals. Looking for an opportunity to pay less-than-premium prices for those premium brands? Our vendors come to Drool armed with special one-night-only deals for guests – products on sale that are NEVER on sale, gifts-with-purchase, and more! We can’t talk about this year’s deals in advance, but we can give you examples from past years, like this one: blogger Jessica Severson got her Diono car seat at Drool for 25% off with a free travel bag, free accessories, AND free shipping. These are deals to drool over!
4) Freebies and freebies and freebies and freebies. Our gift bags are loaded with loot, and all Standard and VIP ticketholders get one. The Standard gift bag is worth more than twice what you pay for your ticket, and the VIP gift bag not only includes over $200 in products and services, but will also include a Magic Beans gift card. There will also be free snacks, free mocktails, and free spa services. FREE, all of it!
And then there’s our raffle: again, we can’t announce what we’re raffling off, but it always includes strollers, carriers, car seats, and more from brands that parents love.
5) We’re getting really good at this. When we started doing Drool, we had no idea if it was going to work, and were gobsmacked and grateful when the event was a smashing success. Four years in, we’ve got it down to a science. You’re going to have a lot of fun and get a lot of great deals this year!
But hey, don’t take my word for it – after all, I’m at the front desk every year handing out your registration packets, so I have some obvious investment here. If you’re not convinced that the Drool Baby Expo is a can’t-miss event, check out some of the rave reviews we’ve gotten over the years from moms just like you!
Emily Roach at Random Recycling
Annie Stow at Stowed Stuff (pictured above!) describes our gift bags as “kick-ass”
Dave and Emily at Parental Ideas
Laura at The Tale of Baby Riser
We can’t wait to see you there! Get your tickets today, because they’re going to sell out fast.
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