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Find the best in Baby Gear at Magic Beans
Find the best in Baby Gear at Magic Beans

It’s all a blur…

The last day of Toy Fair is always crazy. The exhibit halls close at 4pm, and it’s a race to the finish. There are booths to revisit, decisions to be made, and we’re all trying to commit every last product to memory.

The toy industry hasn’t had a megahit in years, and I don’t think I saw anything that’s going to reverse that trend. Some old fads are back, including Pogs, Trolls and even Teddy Ruxpin. Will these take off with a new generation? I can’t guess. But there were lots of really cool new products. Not blockbusters, probably, but new ideas that will enhance the landscape of the industry and appeal to kids (and parents).

Tree BlocksMy final find-of-the-day is Tree Blocks. In reality, these are not new; I’ve been eyeing them since last year, but today I hopped off the fence and placed an order. They have a new 21-piece set that is designed for retail stores, and I think these are so different. The quality is wonderful, and the company philosophy is socially and ecologically responsible, using the discarded wood from managed paper forests. They also make an unbelievable wooden treehouse that we will have on display in the store and online, and available as a special order. For more on these, you can check out

These are only a few of the things we are bringing home this year. As always, I will keep profiling new toys as they come into our warehouse.

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