It’s so much fun to bike with your baby! Introducing Nutcase Baby Nutty bike helmets
Babies love to bike! Ok, not ALL babies, but most small children are thrilled to feel the breeze on their face and watch the world whoosh by – the exhilaration of speed is a delight at any age.
Just like you, and just like older kids, babies absolutely must wear helmets when they’re on a bike, and Nutcase, our #1 favorite bike helmet brand, has done a terrific job creating a helmet that your baby will be agreeable about wearing (and will look absolutely precious in to boot). Nutcase Baby Nutty Helmets are designed to provide the same top-notch protection as their celebrated Little Nutty helmets, but at an even lighter weight – Nutcase designers substituted a lighter polycarbonate shell to trim down the weight to only 9.9 ounces.
Just how comfortable and easy-to-use are Nutcase helmets? I’ve got the grownup version myself, so I can verify that the magnetic no-pinch buckle is terrific, and that the whole apparatus is so much more comfortable than you’d imagine a big solid block of plastic on your head could possibly be. The foam padding, the ventilation, the padded chin-strap, the adjustable size – it all adds up to a great, comfortable fit that will really help you coax your kiddo into putting it on.
Nutcase also put together a list of tips for getting your baby to wear her helmet, which is definitely a must-see!
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