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Learn about starting solids at Magic Beans Brookline, July 18

Learn about starting solids at Magic Beans Brookline, July 18

daniellesheatanIt can be tough for busy parents to purchase and prepare the best foods for their kids, and Danielle Shea Tan of Healthy Mamas for Happy Families knows from experience how the time crunch can cost the whole family health-wise:

Growing up, I lived on lean cuisine, frosted mini wheats and pizza. My parents worked their tails off while managing to provide a loving home. We went out to eat more often than not and many family members struggled with weight. At 9 years old, after a crazy fainting episode, I was diagnosed with pre-diabetes! This was a freaking shock because I was the most thin, fit person in the family. My mom quickly sought out a nutritionist who taught me how to eat a balanced meal and manage my sugar levels.”

It took a lot of research, education, and trial and error for the adult Danielle to figure out realistic strategies to create a lifestyle that left her feeling good and looking great. Now, as a nutritionist, health coach, and mom, she’s teaming with Purely Pears, Boston’s best baby food delivery service, to help you get your baby on the right track from day one.

At our Starting Solids event, on Thursday, July 18, at Magic Beans in Brookline, Danielle will be sharing her wisdom on introducing your baby to solid food, including:

  • What foods to try and when;
  • Common myths about feeding babies;
  • Food allergens;
  • Organic versus non-organic foods;

…and, most importantly, teaching kids how to enjoy healthy foods for a lifetime! Once Danielle is done, Purely Pears will host a yummy baby food tasting for you and your child! Founded by Boston mamas Sarah Washburn and Bridget Tivnan, Purely Pears gets their ingredients from a variety of local farms, for the freshest and tastiest food possible (which also supports the local food community).

Want to join us for this event? RSVP at

The post Learn about starting solids at Magic Beans Brookline, July 18 appeared first on Spilling the Beans - Magic Beans.

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