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Find the best in Baby Gear at Magic Beans

Nuna is named the Official Stroller Brand of the Boston Red Sox!

Nuna is named the Official Stroller Brand of the Boston Red Sox!

Magic Beans is a Bahhstin-based company. Five of our six store locations are located in the Greater Boston area. And, naturally, we’re huge Boston Red Sawwx fans. We also happen to be huge Nuna baby gear fans, so this collision of worlds is particularly exciting: Nuna was just named the official stroller brand of the Boston Red Sox! Take a look at the announcement here.

We can’t wait to see Nuna branding around Fenway Park. And, lucky for us, Wally the Green Monster will be making a few celebrity appearances at a couple of our store locations this year!

While Nuna’s fame began with their widely popular car seats (the Pipa Series Infant Car Seats and Rava Convertible Car Seat), their strollers have also become key members of our lineup. Their Mixx and Demi Grow Strollers are fantastic for city-dwelling parents, and their little sibling, the Nuna Tavo Stroller, is perfect for parents with limited storage or trunk space. Not to mention, every stroller is beautifully made with chic fabrics and on-trend colors. Parents will take function over fashion any day, but getting both is a sweet deal.

Congratulations to Nuna on this exciting partnership! We’ll have a Fenway Frank in your honor.

The post Nuna is named the Official Stroller Brand of the Boston Red Sox! appeared first on Spilling the Beans - Magic Beans.

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