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Find the best in Baby Gear at Magic Beans

Olababy Baby Feeding Products 2018: Ratings, Reviews, Price

Olababy Baby Feeding Products 2018

Operating out of one of the greenest cities in the country, Portland Oregon-based company Olababy creates safe and sustainable feeding products. They’re not only made of toxin-free materials, but they’re also thoughtfully designed to foster your child’s growth and development. And we know you love safe and innovative products for your little one.

Olababy’s SteamBowl, featured in the video above from our YouTube Channel, is a simple and easy alternative to microwaving. The bowl (like their other products) is made of toxin-free and BPA-free food-grade silicone. Just place the bowl in a saucepan with water and serve it in the same bowl once it’s steamed! They also offer adorable toxin-free baby spoons. They’re ergonomically designed to make your self-feeder a master eater!

If you have any questions on Olababy Feeding Products 2018 (or any other piece of baby gear), we’d love to hear from you. Email our gear experts at or call us 617-383-8259.

The post Olababy Baby Feeding Products 2018: Ratings, Reviews, Price appeared first on Spilling the Beans - Magic Beans.

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