Ralph’s World nominated for a Grammy — Magic Beans
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Ralph’s World nominated for a Grammy

When my first daughter was about 9 months old, I was desperate to find some great music we could both enjoy listening to. When she was very young, I could depend on anything with a strong beat to soothe her (I still remember the look of shock on a friend’s face when my baby started wailing in the backseat and I flipped on “We Will Rock You” — and it worked). But I felt like I needed to break into the Children’s music genre. So I turned to Amazon.com and found lists of recommendations from like-minded parents. Ralph’s World was consistently among the top picks, and I ordered Happy Lemons, curious to see what was so appealing.For me, it was his versatile musical style, his clever lyrics, his red-hot band and his incredible energy. The music never feels juvenile or dumbed-down, it’s just fun, whether you’re a kid or an adult. Today, Ralph is still my favorite kids’ artist, and both of my children adore him, too. It was not a coincedence that we invited Ralph to perform at our First Birthday Concert this past summer. He was as much a gem in person as he is over the stereo system, and he gave a stellar, unforgettable performance.

During the concert, Ralph performed some selections from his 6th CD, “Green Gorilla, Monster and Me”, which had just been released a week prior. Now, that album has just been nominated for a Grammy Award, a nod to Ralph’s overall excellence, as well as to the quality of this particular album. It couldn’t have happened to a nicer guy, and hopefully parents everywhere will stand up and take notice of this rising star. I don’t know if he’ll win, but I’ll sure be rooting for him.

Visit www.ralphsworld.com for more details. You can also listen to a free MP3 by clicking here. Even better, check out this animated video of my personal favorite Ralph tune, “We Are Ants”. Note that both of these tunes are from “Kid Astro”, Ralph’s 5th album.

The post Ralph’s World nominated for a Grammy appeared first on Spilling the Beans - Magic Beans.

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