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Find the best in Baby Gear at Magic Beans
Find the best in Baby Gear at Magic Beans

Spare me!

Baby Sparewear is a personal favorite of mine; I’ve loved it from the first moment I saw it, literally. It’s an extra outfit that you keep in your diaper bag in case of a diaper disaster, juice box explosion or other catastrophic outfit incident. The three-piece set includes a pair of pants, a short-sleeve t-shirt and a long-sleeve t-shirt.Now, if you’re practical, you’re probably wondering why I’m so excited. Why is this any better or worse than throwing an extra outfit into the diaper bag? Well, it’s really cute, which for some people will be enough. For everyone else, if you’re anything like me, having a baby will make you extremely forgetful, and you will probably forget to pack that extra outfit most of the time. Having the dedicated little pouch will definitely help jar your memory every time you look in your diaper bag.

Remembering to launder and replace the outfit once it’s been used is, unfortunately, up to you.

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