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Find the best in Baby Gear at Magic Beans
Find the best in Baby Gear at Magic Beans

Spilling the Beans

  • July 28, 2009

    Day 28 – Babysitter Balance

    We’ve had our fair share of funny coincidences surrounding these giveaways. Like all the winners from the South Shore area, one of whom even won twice! But we weren’t laughing when we got a call that our scheduled giveaway for...

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  • July 27, 2009

    Day 27 – Orbit Infant System

    I’ve already written at length about the Orbit Infant System, as I’ve been using it with Zev for 11 months now. As I write this, I’ve just returned from our 14th airplane trip with the Orbit, and accordingly can attest...

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  • July 26, 2009

    Day 26 – Playmobil Egypt Set

    It’s probably not easy to be the person at Playmobil responsible for dreaming up new themes. In theory, the world offers a vast amount of inspiration, but still. How many different settings can legitimately be a springboard for multiple play...

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  • July 25, 2009

    Day 25 – Wishbone Bike

    The Wishbone Bike from Skip Hop is my new favorite recommendation for someone looking to buy a really special gift for a 1-year old. This beautiful bike begins life as a three-wheeled foot-trike (meaning there aren’t any pedals, kids push...

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  • Day 23 – Stokke Tripp Trapp
    July 23, 2009

    Day 23 – Stokke Tripp Trapp

    In the general course of having three children, I get to use a lot of our products on a daily basis. But the Tripp Trapp is undoubtedly the one we use the most. It is very possibly my favorite product...

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  • July 22, 2009

    Day 22 – Britax Advocate CS

    In March 2004, I was a little busy. We’d signed the lease on the store, started the build-out, and I was working on establishing accounts with all our key vendors. The store was due to open in July, and I...

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  • July 21, 2009

    Day 21 – Monte Luca Glider

    This is a story that’s taken me almost 11 months to tell, mostly because the humiliation has just recently worn off. Almost. At the ABC Kids Expo this past September, I was in rough shape. I was barely 4 weeks...

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  • July 20, 2009

    Day 20 – Uppa Baby Vista Stroller

    We have a saying here at Magic Beans. “You can’t just wake up one morning and decide to design a stroller.” We’re all in favor of parent-entrepreneurs who see an opportunity to improve on a product, or create something entirely...

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  • July 19, 2009

    Day 19 – Tiny Love Gift Pack

    Life as a new mom is never an easy adjustment. It certainly wasn’t for me. I had a difficult delivery, a long healing process, and even though a baby who didn’t ever want to be put down. She wasn’t a...

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