Win at our Bugaboo Donkey #heehaw Twitter Party — Magic Beans
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Win at our Bugaboo Donkey #heehaw Twitter Party

Win at our Bugaboo Donkey #heehaw Twitter Party

twitter-blog-graphicWe are really excited about the Bugaboo Donkey Preview Party happening in our Wellesley store tomorrow night. But we realize that not everyone can get out to join us in person. So we wanted to find a way to get everyone in on the fun, and also give away a few great prizes too!

We’ll be tweeting using the hashtag #heehaw all night long with great information about the Donkey stroller, parent tips and fun facts. Every time you join in the conversation, tweeting using our #heehaw hashtag, you’ll be entered to win a $50 gift card to Magic Beans.

If you’re unfamiliar with a Twitter party, here’s how it goes:

What: Bugaboo Donkey Preview (#heehaw) Twitter Party (click here to learn more about the Bugaboo Donkey and here to learn about the Bugaboo Donkey Preview Party)

When: Saturday, April 2, 7-10p.m. EST

Where: Join in the party here on tweetgrid! (This should show you all tweets with the hashtag #heehaw on the left, and all @mbeans tweets on the right.)

Topic: Bugaboo Donkey Stroller Launch

Who: @mbeans @sherigurock @eligurock, @TheBabyGuyNYC and YOU!

Party Favors: Join in the convo and you could win a $50 Magic Beans gift card. We’ll be announcing winners at 8, 9 and 10pm EST.

RSVP: Totally optional, but if you add a comment to this post with your twitter handle (@xxxx), we’ll know to expect you.

The post Win at our Bugaboo Donkey #heehaw Twitter Party appeared first on Spilling the Beans - Magic Beans.

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