Single Strollers
Whether you're looking for lightweight strollers like the Nuna Triv Next or Inglesina Electa (just 19 pounds!), all terrain and jogging strollers like the BOB Alterrain Pro, or single strollers that convert to doubles like the Bugaboo Donkey 5, we have you covered!
To get you off on the right foot we've created Spilling the Beans where we post blogs and videos comparing every kind of baby gear you're searching for. Watch Magic Beans co-founder, Eli Gurock, sort through the Best Strollers of 2023 and the Top 5 Stroller Mistakes To Avoid. And for even more personalized stroller recommendations book a Virtual Consultation with a Magic Beans gear expert today!
Nuna Mixx Next Stroller
5.0 star rating 1 ReviewThe Nuna Mixx Next is fine-tuned for excellent strolling that will keep you on the move. Suitable from birth, infant car seat adaptable, and progre...
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Bugaboo Donkey5 Mono Complete - PFA FREE
The Bugaboo Donkey5 Mono Complete - Now PFA Free is one piece of luxury baby gear that carries its own weight and more. With considerable updates a...
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Stokke Xplory X Stroller
Stokke is a Scandanavian baby company that specializes in thoughtful and practical design. From ergonomic high chairs like the Stokke Tripp Trapp t...
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