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Find the best in Baby Gear at Magic Beans

Britax Advocate Clicktight Convertible Car Seat


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Consistently striking a balance between luxury and safety, Britax continues their reign with the incumbent Clicktight series, the Britax Advocate being the most luxurious. The Advocate is the top of the line in their convertible car seat line, meaning it doesn’t go past its roughly 60lbs weight limit. This means you’ll likely transition kiddo to a booster seat afterwards such as the

The Clicktight system is a super easy install, and one of the most effective ones out there! Their entire line of convertible car seats have this; these are the seats that start as a rear facing seat, and transition to forward facing. Any Britax seat that has the Clicktight name is equipped with a similar installation, allowing for an easy transition to their next seat without learning a whole new system.

The Britax Advocate is available with or without the Anti Rebound Bar, the ARB offers more stability in a rear-facing installation. It keeps the seat stable against the backseat, and offers more legroom for kiddos comfort

Britax suggests using your seatbelt for the installation, not the latch system. If you’ve never seen it in action, check out our video on the differences between Britax’s convertible car seats: the Marathon. Boulevard and Advocate.

Britax’s SafeCell impact system offers extra protection down below as well. Its honeycomb technology crumples in the event of an impact, moving the seat in a way that reduces the pressure of the impact. This works in tandem with its sturdy steel frame to keep kiddo safe. It also has a v-shaped tether for forward facing, ensuring a rock-solid installation.

The seat fits a child up to 40 pounds rear facing and 65 pounds forward facing. Its height and weight limit are pretty similar to most on the market, although in 2020 Britax introduced the Britax One4Life as a longer lasting option. It uses a non-rethread harness as well, allowing the seat to grow with kiddo with just the push of a button. Its fabrics are machine washable as well!

It also has one of the best installations for compact cars! Its recline options are plentiful and allow for lots of room to keep your child and your passengers comfortable and safe!

Still not sure which car seat is the right one for your family? Reach out to us anytime via email at We’re always happy to talk shop! You can also contact our Baby Gear Gurus via phone (866-600-BEAN) during business hours (M-F, 9 am-5 pm EST), by utilizing the Product Expert Chat on our website, or by scheduling a video consultation. Finally, get all the advice you need by visiting our YouTube channel!

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