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Find the best in Baby Gear at Magic Beans
Nuna MIXX 2020 | Stroller First Look ( Ratings | Review )

Nuna MIXX 2020 | Stroller First Look ( Ratings | Review )

Nuna has entered the building! While yesterday may have been all about UPPAbaby’s newest strollers, today we at Magic Beans want to focus on the Nuna MIXX 2020. Though the MIXX 2020 will not feature any huge changes from the Nuna MIXX 2019, the MIXX 2020 will officially launch sometime in Summer 2020. 


For those of you who are unfamiliar with the MIXX 2020, here’s the skinny: the MIXX 2020 is a parent-friendly stroller that features such awesome design elements as a one-touch rear braking system and a height-adjustable handlebar. The features don’t stop there, though: the MIXX 2020 has a one-handed fold, perfect for busy parents who want to navigate public spaces with ease, as well as an open underseat basket that is large enough to hold even the biggest of diaper bags. 

You won’t be the only one to love the MIXX 2020, either: kids love this stroller, too! And how could they not? Between the large canopy with built-in mesh panelling for maximum airflow, and the large (7.5” in diameter!) wheels for smooth strolling, your child can stay cool and comfortable in any strolling situation.

Like we mentioned before, the Nuna MIXX 2020 won’t be available until Summer 2020, but the Nuna MIXX 2019 is available now! Shop them both on our website. 


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Have any questions? Reach us at anytime via email at We’re always happy to talk shop. You can contact our Baby Gear Gurus via phone (866-600-BEAN) during business hours (M-F, 9 am-5 pm EST) or by utilizing the Product Expert Chat on our website. You can also get all the advice you need by visiting our blog and YouTube channel! Want to check out some other single-seater strollers? Be sure to take a look at our Single Stroller Buying Guides.

The post Nuna MIXX 2020 | Stroller First Look ( Ratings | Review ) appeared first on Spilling the Beans - Magic Beans.

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Anonymous - August 20, 2020

The Nuna Mixx Next will be available on our website for purchase starting on 9/1! It will be available in Caviar, Granite and Timber and will retail for $749.95! - August 20, 2020

please tell me how much is nuna mix 2020 and color combination are available
Thank you

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