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Find the best in Baby Gear at Magic Beans
Clek Boosters on Sale!

Clek Boosters on Sale!

Starting Saturday, July 30th, we’re offering two of our favorite boosters at a deep discount – the Clek Oobr and the Clek Olli will each be on sale for 20% off from July 30 to August 14. If you’ve ever had trouble getting an independent child to ride in a booster, these chic seats are for you: they have a nifty modern look with great colors and patterns, and they’re padded for comfort, eliminating the dreaded “numb bum.” And of course, a booster reduces injury for kids under 4’9” by 58%. Everyone wins.

If this sounds familiar, it may be because we’ve sung the praises of Clek boosters a few times before on this blog. And we can’t promise that we won’t do it again – because next year, more families will need boosters, and we want to make sure they don’t miss these. Here’s a few posts outlining our four-year love affair with this company:

April 24, 2007: Clek wins their first JPMA Innovation Award.

August 21, 2007: Our first Clek Olli arrives!

September 21, 2008: The Clek Oobr makes its first appearance, in a Paul Frank design, no less. So hip!

July 24, 2009: The Clek Oobr took a little while to hit the market, but it was worth the wait.

July 15, 2010: We gave away a Clek Oobr on day 15 of last year’s 31 Days of Giveaways. We gave one away this year, too, and although I can make you no promises, I have a feeling we’ll give one away next year, too.

November 23, 2010: Sheri counts her blessings, and includes the Clek Olli among them.

Order your Clek Olli booster or Clek Oobr booster between July 29 and August 14, and save 20%.


The post Clek Boosters on Sale! appeared first on Spilling the Beans - Magic Beans.

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