“Frozen” treats: DIY crafts and baking projects to thrill your little Frozen fan!
Since its blockbuster debut in December 2013, Disney’s Frozen has succeeded far beyond any previous sampling of Disney magic. This musical tale of a lonely Snow Queen and her devoted sister is officially the most successful animated movie ever, putting it just behind Avatar, Titanic, The Avengers, and one of the Harry Potter installments as the biggest grossing film of all time.
More importantly to us, and to you: kids just can’t get enough of this movie. The New York Times referred to Frozen fans as “obsessed” and “cultlike,” and, as blogger Ilana Wiles, mom of two Frozen-obsessed kids observes, “No one is getting sick of the soundtrack and apparently, a kid can watch the same movie 4000X without getting bored.”
Accordingly, parents are rushing to accommodate their little Frozen fanatics, and Frozen toys, books, and other products fly off the shelves faster than your humble toy purveyors (ahem) can stock them. This leads to scenes like the one Wiles describes at a birthday party: “You go to a birthday party with Frozen themed cups and all the parents freak out like they are in the presence of rare never-before-seen diamonds.”
And then, there are the DIY craft projects, hundreds of them: everything from cakes and cupcakes to faux snow. As it always goes with Pinterest, it’s hard to tell just by looking at the end result of these crafts just how difficult they’ll be, and how much skill and knowledge you need to start out. So I did a bit of poking around on the internet to find some cool-looking Frozen-related projects that are truly feasible for your average parent… and, if you’re ambitious, some advanced projects that will thrill your little Frozen fan!
Need some activities and swag for a Frozen party, or just looking to keep the kids occupied for an hour or two? It doesn’t get any easier than printables. These movie-ticket-style birthday party invites are awesome!
Along the same theme, these templates make it super easy to create Elsa crowns and Sven antlers for pretend-play and for party favors.
Just about anything blue will do for a Frozen party, and this Frozen punch looks great, tastes great, and takes minutes to make, with exactly two ingredients.
If you’ve got the space in your playroom (or don’t mind your living room being taken over by a giant fort for a few weeks), this Ice Palace Fort is about as easy as it gets: just get yourself a Crazy Forts set, build a castle, add some translucent sparkly fabric (the measuring involved seems pretty minimal), and embellish as desired. You can make it as simple or as fancy as you and the kids prefer, and it’s easy enough for kids to help build and decorate.
Finally, we love how appropriate, healthy, and zero-effort this Frozen party snack is: just open a bag of baby carrots, and lo and behold: you’ve got Olaf Noses!
Making a Frozen Sensory Bin isn’t particularly labor-intensive, but it could take a bit of effort to round up all the pieces. We like their ideas, and we also think that a Living Sands set could substitute for, say, a bin of gems – it passes quite nicely for snow!
If you’re the kind of parent who keeps a ton of craft supplies around and has a lot of confidence in your artistic skills, this Elsa Tiara looks great, and so do these adorable Olaf shirts. If you’re handy with a sewing machine, there are some great tutorials for Elsa and Anna capes and Elsa dresses, too.
And finally, if you’re a true master of elaborate baking projects, you may want to take on this tasty-looking challenge: an ice-cream-filled Frozen cake complete with blue ice candy decorations! Holy cow!
Feeling a little overwhelmed by that cake? (We definitely are, and a little hungry now, too.) The simplest way to satisfy your child’s craving for Elsa’s singing and Anna’s company is to dig into our ever-revolving selection of Frozen toys, books, and crafts. Get an Elsa cape, Frozen books, sticker books, matching games, and more… and hopefully, if you’re lucky, you can hold your little fan over until the inevitable sequel.
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