Strolling the suburbs: the Bumbleride Indie 4 Stroller vs. the UPPAbaby Cruz Stroller
The Bumbleride Indie 4 and the Uppababy Cruz are very similar strollers on paper; they’re both close in weight, size, and longevity. But there are a few key things that can truly make a difference.
Before we get started, here are the basic specs on both of these popular stroller models:
- Weight (when empty): 22 pounds
- Max Weight: 55 pounds
- Tires: Air-filled
- Included Accessories: Bassinet, bumper (belly) bar, universal car seat adapter, and cup holder
- Price: $599
- Longevity: birth to 5 years
- Weight (when empty): 22 pounds (frame only: 16.5 pounds)
- Max Weight: 50 pounds
- Tires: Foam + air-filled
- Included Accessories: Belly bar, rain cover
- Price: $499 -$529
- Longevity: 3 months (or birth if you purchase bassinet or Snug Seat) to 5 years
The Indie 4 (named after its older brother, the Indie, but with a fourth wheel) comes with almost everything you need in one box. It comes with the bassinet, so you can use your stroller from day one. Or, if you prefer to use your stroller like a travel system (it’s so convenient when you’re transferring your baby from the car to the stroller!), just use the universal car seat adapter* and pop your car seat right on there. Between the bassinet, the cupholder, and the adapter, it comes with absolutely everything you need except for a rain cover.
Ok, so we don’t love switching between the bassinet and the regular seat, and we don’t love removing the canopy – neither of these processes are as straightforward as they should be. However, these aren’t things you’ll be doing often. And if you need help, just drop by our store and we’ll do it for you – we’re the pros!
As for the push: those chunky air-filled tires give an incredibly smooth ride. When we took our all-terrain models out for our Winter Stroller Test Drive Challenge, the Indie 4 made a very good showing (although the BOB Revolution FLEX Stroller and the Bugaboo Buffalo were the champions). Air-filled tires require some minimal maintenance, so you’ll just want to familiarize yourself with how they work and be prepared to pump tires and repair flats. A few tips:
- DO NOT overinflate.
- You’ll be able to feel when they’re getting low on air – pump them up as soon as you can.
- Keep a spare inner tube on hand, because 9/10 times, that is what will need to be replaced if you have a flat. If you’re in a pinch, bike stores that sell kids’ bikes will have tires and inner tubes in the right size, though.
Another thing I love about Bumbleride is their customer service. While UPPAbaby is legendary for their customer service, Bumbleride may actually have them beat: I once emailed them about a broken piece, and got a response and a tracking number for the replacement piece in less than 5 minutes. I don’t think I can say that’s ever happened to me before, whether I’ve been on a personal or professional mission. This is a brand that really stands by their strollers and cares about their customers.
Onward to the UPPAbaby Cruz! Almost everything about the Cruz is seamless. It folds beautifully, and switches between modes effortlessly. It also has a giant basket underneath, which wins some serious accolades from Cruz devotees (although it’s important to note that you need to empty out the basket in order to fold the stroller).
One clear advantage that the Cruz has over the Indie 4 is the reversible stroller seat. While your child can face you in the Indie 4 if they’re riding in the bassinet or on a car seat adapter, the stroller seat doesn’t reverse. In the Cruz, your child can face you for bonding and chatting on the go, or you can easily turn the seat around so they can check out their surroundings. A reversible seat is a make-or-break option for some parents, so think carefully about whether this is important to you.
The tires on the Cruz have both advantages and disadvantages over the Indie 4. On the one hand, the foam-filled wheels, which add a little pocket of air to smooth the ride just a touch, will require no maintenance. On the other hand, they’re smaller than the Indie’s tires, and the bigger the wheel, the smoother the ride; adding air (and only air) will make it even smoother. And if you’re using your stroller every single day, you’ll want good sturdy tires. We’ve seen people walk their stroller tires down to a nub – they’re very important! What’s a stroller without wheels? It’s a chair. And a chair gets you nowhere.
The Cruz also does not come with a bassinet (unlike the Vista, which is also a better choice if you’re thinking of going single-to-double). You can buy a bassinet separately, or the SnugSeat Insert, which pads out the seat and adds proper support for the teeniest passengers. Nor does the Cruz come with a car seat adapter, although it doesn’t require adapters to use the matching UPPAbaby Mesa Infant Car Seat. You can also purchase adapters to carry other popular car seats, including Chicco and Maxi-Cosi models.
Price might be another consideration for you, although these two strollers are in roughly the same bracket. For the sake of comparison, let’s say you chose the Chicco Keyfit as your infant car seat. What would you spend on either stroller to get the same amount of stuff?
Indie 4 ($599) + rain cover ($34.99) = $633.99
Cruz ($499) + bassinet ($199) + adapter ($44.99) + cup holder ($24.99) = $767.98
I, personally, am an Indie 4 fan: it’s light, it rolls so smoothly, it’s compact with good tires, and it comes with just about everything you need. But the Cruz is a tough contender, with some serious advantages. Ultimately, you’re going to want to get your hands on both strollers and give them a push to see what you think. Come on in to any Magic Beans store and give them a try!
*It’s not 100% universal – if you’re using a Maxi Cosi car seat, a Cybex Aton Q, a Nuna Pipa, or another seat with a similar adapter style, you will need a Maxi Cosi adapter.
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