Spilling the Beans
In order to reduce the spread of COVID-19, public officials are recommending “social distancing”. So, what does social distancing mean, and how do you keep your kid entertained while your family is practicing self-isolation? Here's a roundup of our favorite outdoor toys and games that'll help your child let of some steam, all while still maintaining healthy social distancing protocols.Read now
5 Activities to Do with Your Toddler While Quarantined
Let’s face it, between school, work, and activities, parents rarely feel like they have enough time with their child. Now that all of those “distractions” have been removed due to social distancing, it is time to spend some quality time with your little beans. Here are some of our favorite activities to do as a family!Read now -
New baby toys and baby gifts at Magic Beans
Read nowPlaying is learning for children, and begins with your baby’s first grab for her first rattle. As she explores her baby toys (and your lap, and your face, and the living room floor), the world slowly but steadily comes...
Play with your food! The fun of food-themed toys
Read nowAs I mentioned in our Toy Fair trends blog entries, adorable food with faces is very in this year, and it’s no surprise: food is fascinating, and playing with it is fun, whether you’re exploring play food or the real...
The best birthday gifts of 2016: happy second birthday!
Read nowPlay is how kids learn, and at age 2, kids are starting to explore how the world works through imaginative play. They’ll create silly and fun scenarios with play animals, action figures, costumes, toy cars and toy trucks, and other...
The best birthday gifts of 2016: happy first birthday!
Read nowThat first year zooms by quickly, although those sleepless nights of early parenthood can feel like they last forever. One minute you’re recovering from her birth and falling in love with her sweet little face, and the next minute she’s...
Baby & Toddler Toys: Highlights from our Holiday Gift Guide
Read nowUnlike shopping for older kids, shopping for babies and toddlers comes with one built-in problem: they can’t TELL you what they want. Luckily, as long as you select a gift for the right developmental stage, they’ll almost certainly enjoy it...
Magic Beans Fun Size Picks: Top Five Eco-Friendly Toys
Read nowHey everyone – it’s Kelsey again, with the scoop from Magic Beans Fun Size, in NYC! As you may remember from my last blog, our store is located in the lobby at Kidville in the Upper East Side, and we...
Gift Guide: The Best Presents for a Girl’s Second Birthday
Read nowBaby’s first birthday party is more of a big deal for you than for her: it’s all about spending some time with your loved ones and allowing them to get to know your child, and watch her smoosh some cake. Gifts...